>>SOURCE FREE identification division. program-id. passSalary. environment division. data division. working-storage section. 01 salaryI binary-int signed. 01 salaryP pic s9(6)v99, comp. procedure division. display "size of salaryI: ", function byte-length(salaryI). display "size of salaryP: ", function byte-length(salaryP). move 123456.78 to salaryP. move salaryP to salaryI. display "Passing salaryP(", salaryP, ") to prtSalary:". call "prtSalary" using by value salaryP, returning omitted. display "Passing salaryI(", salaryI, ") to prtSalary:". call "prtSalary" using by value salaryI, returning omitted. stop run.