>>SOURCE FREE identification division. program-id. test. environment division. data division. working-storage section. 01 i binary-long signed. 01 return-value pic s9(4), comp. 01 test-rec. 03 lastname pic x(30). 03 firstname pic x(30). 03 age pic s9(4), comp. 03 salary pic s9(9)v99, comp-3. procedure division. 0000-mainline. display "calling Pascal". call "testp", returning omitted. call "proc0" returning omitted. call "proc1", using by value 1, returning omitted. call "proc2" using by value 1, by value 2, returning omitted. call "func1" using by value 1, giving return-value. call "procbyref", using by value 1, by reference i, returning omitted. display "func1 returned: ", return-value. move "SMITH" to lastname. move "JOHN" to firstname. move 38 to age. move 123456.78 to salary. call "procrec", using by reference test-rec, by value function byte-length(test-rec), returning omitted. display "called Pascal". 0099-exit. stop run.